Wednesday 6 May 2020


This is John white baiting. This photo was taken just outside our house. He used to come our house for a cup of tea. The water is so high that it looks like his stand is going to sink. This photo was taken a year ago. John died last year. We loved John to bits, and he loved us too.

Now Pop gets whitebait for us. I like eating whitebait patties.

White baiters build their bridges when tide is out, and then the tide comes in and the whitebait can swim up the river.


  1. Hi Connor
    This is a lovely post. It's nice that you are able to express your feelings about John.
    Once, a long time ago, when my kids were at Kaniere School, we went on a field trip to the river to see the whitebait's habitat. I think we went to John's stand. You were probably just a baby then! Are you looking forward to whitebait season? Do you have your whitebait patties in bread?

  2. yes i do jackie thanks for the comment

  3. Hi Connor bit sad that John died😭.I love whitebait they are yummy in my tummy! I hope your pop is good at whitebaiting to.
    Bye Connor. From Rhys!

  4. I like the infomation about whitebaiting.

  5. I love the photo of John, how lucky you are to have got to go white baiting with him. When you are older you will be able to do it on your own. Do you enjoy going white baiting?

  6. This is a really nice photo of John, Connor. I bet you miss him heaps but memories of all the fun times you had together will always be with you.


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